Sponsor A Child

Change A Life!

Many a time, we are touched by autism-related stories. We feel for the individuals with autism and their families. We want so much to help but we do not know how. At KAA, our Sponsor-a-Child programme is one way where you can get involved in the lives of individuals living on the autism spectrum who need financial assistance. Your sponsorship will directly support them in getting skill training at our training centre. These acquired skills will last a lifetime and reduce the burdens on their families.

KAA is a non-profit organisation that relies on donations from the public. Please assist us to achieve our mission of providing skill training for those with financial constraints to equip them to reach their fullest potential. We need generous members of public like you to work together with us to offer a gift of sponsorship to make our mission possible.

Join us now as a meaningful partner

to change the future of those affected by autism!

Call us at Tel: 082-686363 for more information or simply donate here. All donations are tax-exempted. Please follow the instructions for an online tax exemption receipt.

Since 2016, Sponsor A Child Programme has successfully funded 6 students to receive special education at Kuching Autistic Association. The Lee Brothers, our very first two students under Sponsor A Child programme have excelled very well under the guidance of Teacher Lo, Teacher Sab, Teacher Nur and Teacher Lodya. One loves drawing and has created very interesting art while the other loves keeping himself well groomed. B.Lee has shown tremendous improvement both in his behaviours and academic skills. From a restless and confused child, he can sit down and complete his maths, drawings, and other related tasks with good focus and concentration. B.Lee is very protective of his brother, H.Lee. He always makes sure that his brother is safe by holding his hand before going home.

Three years into the programme, Sponsor-A-Child programme accepted an additional 4 KAA students. We were deeply touched by their parent’s sacrifices to provide their child with one to one therapy at KAA knowing that life necessities had to be cut down in some areas. Exactly 12 months after Dan enrolled at KAA under the Sponsor A Child programme, we received good news from his parents. After a year of ABA training, Dan has made it into a public school. His good behaviour includes a very high compliance when he is around peers of his age. He displays very good manner like showing empathy to his younger friends whenever they cry.

In 2020, Covid-19 hits us and the economy is badly hit. As an NGO that strives to provide financial aid to students in need, the SAC programme is still on-going with 2 students under the sponsorship programme till the year 2021. Even children from financially challenged families can have a great future through your sponsorship. Therefore, we encourage you to donate to the Sponsor-A-Child programme so that the children can develop their fullest potential.

Expenses covered by Sponsor-A-Child Programme

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