Yohan (bukan nama sebenar), umur 6 tahun mula masuk ke KAA pada Julai 2018. Yohan telah didiagnos doktor ADHD & Sensory Disorder. Semasa mula pergi ke KAA, Yohan memang menangis tidak mahu ditinggalkan sehingga saya terpaksa menunggu di ruang menunggu sehingga tamat kelas selama seminggu. Dia tidak suka bergaul dengan kawan-kawan mahupun kakak & adik nya di rumah.
Diagnosed at three years old, hyperactive Fattah Abshar Addin was unable to stay still for more than 2 minutes. Moreover, he always displayed unruly behavior like throwing things, screaming, and running all over the house. As he had delayed speech, he would point if he wanted anything. It was hard for us to understand him.
Meet Lucas Kon Neng Zhi, a nine-year old boy, who joined KAA Educational Centre at the age of 5. By the time Lucas left the Centre at 7 , he has made tremendous progress in various areas, for example, he is able to request using few word sentences, label pictures, follow simple instructions, tolerate loud noises and follow group instructions.